WE HAVE MOVED! http://oneimagination.weebly.com/

One Imagination empowers the current and next generation of leaders through written and oral expression. As a collective based in the Long Beach/South Bay area, we believe that through conscious artistic programming, community education and outreach, and leadership development, we can cultivate a world free of hatred, ignorance, injustice, inequality, and oppression.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Save the Thai Temple

The Thai population is already small in the states as it is so our Thai temples help us to create a community that is very much lacking. Beyond the Buddhist culture, the temples provide Thai cultural lessons and Thai Language instructions.

In Berkeley, California residents surrounding the Thai temple want to shut down our services for selfish reasons, claiming that our Sunday services do not benefit the community but only contribute to the expansion of the golden monuments which create the temple. The reason behind this is because outside of services Thai food is sold to visitors who do not participate in worship. Listen to the women speak below as she compares Thai Food to Mcdonald's, claiming that we have secret ingredients which keep people addicted! I'm sorry our food is so GOOD and keeps people coming for more, but no there are no drugs involved in the process of cooking.

Yes, the temple does profit from these weekly fundraisers-
However, the money helps to sustain the Thai community while keeping the educational programs at a low cost AND it keeps our culture alive, since food serves as a universal language to outsiders.

Please visit www.savethethaitemple.com to see more information.

Thanks Pathanapong!

Love, Jumakae in solidarity


matt n the hatt said...

McDonalds food sucks, and saying someone's food has "offensive odors" is bullshit and discriminating.

Someone should send this to angryasianman.com, i'm sure he'd be interested to write about it.

-matt n.