WE HAVE MOVED! http://oneimagination.weebly.com/

One Imagination empowers the current and next generation of leaders through written and oral expression. As a collective based in the Long Beach/South Bay area, we believe that through conscious artistic programming, community education and outreach, and leadership development, we can cultivate a world free of hatred, ignorance, injustice, inequality, and oppression.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

For Your Reading Pleasure

In case any of you were mistaken, we’re artists. One Imagination is made up of artists who create, not only works of art in various mediums, but create bridges, connections, spaces, community with the hope of bringing people together in finding common ground, learning more about ourselves, and connecting at a deeper level for transformative positive change internally and externally.

With that, we wanted to share some written work by 1i artists, work that can be found publicly on their blogs. Feel free to comment and dialogue with these artists if any of these pieces speaks to you.

“Women” by Big Brother

“Sing Along Song” by JEG

“Shackles” by Jumakae

“2” by Mayazteca

“The Potter” by Ryan the Lion

“Fresh Raw Imperfect” by soul.in.my.fist

-One Imagination