WE HAVE MOVED! http://oneimagination.weebly.com/

One Imagination empowers the current and next generation of leaders through written and oral expression. As a collective based in the Long Beach/South Bay area, we believe that through conscious artistic programming, community education and outreach, and leadership development, we can cultivate a world free of hatred, ignorance, injustice, inequality, and oppression.

Friday, April 2, 2010

SAT 04/10 OWOW Youth Community Performance 6-10PM in Long Beach

Ages 13 to 17, from Torrance to Watts, from Compton to Long Beach,
these seven youth cried and laughed, listened and shared, wrote and performed,
came together against all odds to endure eight long weeks of introspection,
connection of the self to our greater communities and struggles,
and personal transformation as more conscious, mindful writers and people.

We are proud to announce the culmination of their efforts:

One Imagination’s First Ever
Our Word is Our Weapon
Youth Community Performance

Saturday, April 10th, 2010
6:00PM – 10:00PM
@ Catalyst Space:
430 E. 1st Street,
Long Beach, CA 90802

Abrielle Parker
Cree Lee
Daisy Farias
Desmon Murphy
Meaghan Thalia Bermudes
Stephanie South
Teresa (T-Jay) Ley

Please join us in an evening of spoken word, music, and poetry to celebrate the voices, not only of the future, but of today – our youth.

Our Word is Our Weapon (OWOW), a youth leadership and writing project of One Imagination, exists as a hate-free, anti-racist, anti-sexist, anti-homophobic, safe space for young people to create, grow, change, cultivate, reflect, and transform through art as critical and conscious expression. OWOW exists at the intersection of art and activism, individual growth and community empowerment. For more information, contact One Imagination at oneimagination@gmail.com.


jumakae said...